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Watch Deleted Scene | Noor at home in Birmingham

Watch Deleted Scene | Noor at home in Birmingham

Deleted Scene | Noor at home in Birmingham

VALUE OFFER | ALL 3 Kashmir films + bonus extras • 1m 33s

Up Next in VALUE OFFER | ALL 3 Kashmir films + bonus extras

  • Finding Noor

    Original title of the film was Noor, the protagonists were 12 not 16 and the story was quite different. Here's a glimplse into the pitch video we made to secure funding for the film which also hints at how the script has evolved.

  • Inshallah Football_trailer

  • Inshallah Kashmir | trailer

    They make a desolation and call it peace. Agha Shahid Ali.

    A kaleidoscope of testimonies from the ordinary Kashmiri gives evidence of a brutal militancy and its disturbing response. Hitherto stifled voices paint a vivid portrait of how freedom is conceded and replaced by fear, governance by inst...